Introduction to IoT

Discover how the Internet of Things is enabling digital transformations across a variety of industries and can expand career opportunities in the future.

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在這裡展開您的 IoT 之旅

對 IoT (物聯網) 技能投注學習心力的人,將可協助任何產業或領域的企業完成轉型,不論是製造業乃至於拯救瀕危物種等事業都包含在內。全球網際網路連線數日益增加,再加上不斷成長的連網裝置數量,在在創造了無窮的機會。想像一下:到 2020 年時,將有 260 億的人、系統及實際物體在網際網路中無縫連結並分享資料。這不是假設場景,而是真實的情形,而且正漸漸出現在我們的周遭生活中。所以更應瞭解物聯網正如何改變世界,並學習獲得優渥薪酬的必備技能。快踏出您的第一步!

Length Icon
20 小時
Cost Icon
Level Icon
水平: 初階
Learning type icon
學習類型: 講師引導, 線上自我節奏
Achievements type icon
Achievements: Badge
* 的自學式課程為免費提供。由講師授課的課程須付費,並由學校安排開課。

Coursework icon


Engaging learning experiences with interactive content such as practice labs, interactive activities, videos, and assessments along the way. Bring it all together and test what you learned with a final exam.

Community icon


Once enrolled, you have access to student forums where you can ask questions and interact with instructors and peers. Connect & network with classmates and alumni through our Facebook or LinkedIn communities.

Proof of Completion icon

Proof of Completion

Verification may come as a certificate of completion, statement of attendance, or a digital learning badge depending on the course. Share on social media or your resume to tell the world of your achievement.

Accelerate your career with Networking Academy

Cisco Networking Academy is an IT skills and career building program for learning institutions and individuals worldwide. Self-paced courses are designed to take at your own pace, at any point in your career journey. More than 9 million people have joined Networking Academy and become a force for change in the global economy since 1997.
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"Don't be intimidated if you lack networking experience. Academy courses teach from the ground up. It's not easy, but when you come out, you have real-life skills that you can take directly to employers."
Kyle Thoms, NetAcad Alum
Coursework icon


Coursework may take place in our online learning environment, in the classroom—or both. Once you enroll, you'll be asked to create an account, then taken to your learning dashboard. Course materials and tests may be accessed from there.

Help from peers icon

Help from your peers

Once enrolled, you have access to student forums where you can ask questions and interact with instructors and peers. Also use our Facebook community, which has more than a million members available for support.

Certificate of completion icon

Certificate of completion

Get a certificate of completion when you complete the course. Then add your coursework to LinkedIn so that hiring recruiters can find you for potential job opportunities.