Read advice from former students on how they navigated learning and getting their career started.
Vast majority of us had no idea what changes lay ahead for us in 2020 when the year began.
Ever wonder how you can build a social network, when you do not live near the people with similar interests or need to do it all virtually?
Starting a career in tech can be quite intimidating, especially if you start brand new – without any technical knowledge.
Facing death when you have so much to live for, can quite certainly change your life perspective.
All the forecasting in the world, did not prepare us for what the pandemic would do to the way we all work, learn, play, and live.
Have you always had an interest in technology but struggle with where to begin in order to turn that interest into a meaningful and successful career?
For some of us, we end up taking an alternative path to get to your dream job at your dream company.
When you become part of a workplace, one thing you need to do is start building relationships with your coworkers and management.