No se nace listo para cambiar el mundo. Se aprende.

A medida que el mundo que nos rodea cambia, adquirir habilidades técnicas genera oportunidades y la promesa de una buena educación ofrece esperanza. ¿Quiénes educarán a estas personas del futuro que cambiarán el mundo y resolverán problemas globales? Nosotros. Junto con nuestros partners de educación, instructores, capacitación y empleo, hemos asumido el compromiso de desarrollar la fuerza laboral del futuro. Únase a nosotros para cambiar el mundo: un alumno a la vez.

It began as an act of community

In 1997, Cisco donated some networking equipment to a local school. But no one was trained on it, so the gear sat unused.

This initial donation led to a valuable insight

Technology is truly powerful when combined with education. Cisco Networking Academy was born that day, as we trained the staff to build their network.

It became a movement

Cisco Networking Academy quickly grew from a single school to become an ever-expanding community of students, educators, employers, NGOs, Cisco employees, and customers.

Ahora enseñamos en 180 países.

Ayudamos a dar forma a comunidades y economías de todo el mundo.

Impacting the lives of 10.9 million students

We’ve created a pipeline of technical talent ready to innovate and shape the future.

In partnership with 26,500 educators at 12,100 academies

We’re working with educators and instructors all over the world to deliver the best curricula for today’s world.

Amounting to $2.6 billion

Cisco Networking Academy has made in-kind contributions worth billions in tools, resources, and support to students, schools and instructors.

Leading to our goal: one billion people by 2025

By empowering individuals and organizations with problem-solving skills and transformative technologies, we will help bring the benefits of digitization to one billion people by 2025.

Nuestro impacto global

Cisco Networking Academy es el programa de educación sobre responsabilidad social corporativa más grande y más antiguo del mundo e impulsa un futuro inclusivo para estudiantes e instructores en todo el mundo.

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Súmese a nosotros para mejorar

mil millones de vidas

Networking Academy es una de las prioridades del área de responsabilidad social corporativa de Cisco.