Growing body of research and opinion suggests that when it comes to succeeding in work – and in life – it is your emotional intelligence (EQ), and not necessarily your IQ, that makes the difference
In our digital age, communication skills are a key requisite for techies in order to communicate the importance of their work to colleagues and customers.
Whatever your role, whatever your company, and even if you work for yourself, managing your relationships with other people is key to your success in the professional world.
In today’s quicksilver tech industry, companies are continuously investing in new projects in order to stay ahead of the competition. No big surprise there.
Problem solving skills are fundamental to being a successful technologist. Employers and industry research support the notion that skilled problem solvers are in high-demand.
How good are your writing skills? That might seem like an odd question to put to a techie. After all, you are hired for your technical savvy, not your prose, right?